Friday, December 3, 2010

Affan super-power Special Ability

By the age of 2 years and 4 months, he can:

- count and pronounce 1,2,3 until 15
- if I throw any random picture the number 1 until 10, he can answer them 100% correctly
- pronounce a,b,c until z correctly
- if I throw any random picture the letter A to Z, he can answer 80% correctly
- pronounce alif, ba, ta until ya correctly but he doesn't recognize any tulisan jawi, yet..
- pronounce and recognize Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Brown and Green colours
- he can operate and play Wii by himself, including turning the Wii console On/Off, selecting games, change characters etc. His favourite games are Ping Pong and Golf.
- he can operate his mom's iPhone, dad's iPad and Android easily. Not to mention taking pictures (and delete them)
- he is a brilliant 'auta' kid. The ideas to escape and skip from eating, taking bath, basuh berak etc
- kisses and hugs me before he goes to sleep everynight

Affan.. affan..

I'm so proud of him

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I hope Hadiff pandai macam abg affan dia..jangan auta sudaaaah!!

  2. hehe.. hadiff kecik2 pon dah pandai.. nnti umur 2 tahun lg pandai !! :P dan lebih auta.. haha

  3. Awww, so comel la anak mak lang ni. So proud of him!!
